In recent years, become more and more hot weather, all over the world to detect unusual warm day. Rising global temperatures, scientists consider the Earth is gradually warming phenomenon known as global warming. Climate change is one of the most serious environmental threats facing the world today. Its impact will spread around the world, some island nation is faced the threat of rising sea levels, millions of people at risk. The temperature rises of earth, drought and flooding will affect the health and lifestyle of the people; and cause irreversible extinction of many species.
Trucks and buses are an important factor in causing global warming and air pollution. In order to solve these two problems, the world's major countries and Asia have begun the implementation of Euro4 / 5, EPA2010 environmental regulations, which for the carmaker is a great challenge. World heavy commercial vehicles sector, etc. In order to ensure compliance with the new environmental regulations emission standards, are using SCR selective catalytic reduction system (Selective catalyst reduction), thereby reducing emissions of nitrogen oxides and soot particles and to reduce the fuel consumption of two important characteristic.
CR system is the use of ammonia (NH3) or urea water (urea) and nitrogen oxides react chemically noxious nitrogen oxides into non-toxic nitrogen gas (N2) and water vapor (H2O). The pure NH3 gas is toxic, and easy to store. Thus, in general is the use of the AdBlue (or called DEF / AUS32 / reducing catalyst / AdBlue) as reactant vehicle SCR system, which has high stability and is easy to store and transport without toxicity.